Using the Attachments Panel


The attachments panel lists files, ToDos and URLs that are linked to objects of models that are loaded to the viewer. Make sure to load the models to the viewer from the Models panel to see related attachments. Also, the panel lists all objects to which the attachment has been linked to.

Attachment Grouping

The Attachments Panel shows all the attachments linked to objects. Objects are grouped by attachment. You can expand the grouping to see all the objects linked to a particular attachment.

Visualize Linked Objects

When an item is selected in the attachment panel, the object(s) to which the attachment is linked to, are automatically selected in the 3D view. Correspondingly, when a model object is selected in the 3D view the linked item is selected in the attachments panel.

View & Remove Attachments

The context menu has options to view attachments and remove attachments by removing the link to object(s). View in Connect option opens the Connect viewer that matches the attachment type. View in a new window option downloads the attachment and opens it to a new tab in the browser window.

Filter by Visibility

It is possible to show attachments only from visible objects in the panel by changing the filter setting to “Visible objects”. When the filter is active, attachments from hidden objects won’t be listed in the panel.

Search for Attachments

It’s possible to search attachments by name by clicking the search icon in the top of the panel.

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