Markup Tools

Creation Toolbar

On the largest breakpoint, the main application toolbar will have a dropdown menu which allows you to select the markup tool you want to use to make markups. The Markup Creation Toolbar will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

On smaller breakpoints, the markup tool can be changed from the Markup Creation Toolbar.

Editing Toolbar

With the Markup Editing Toolbar you can edit and manage single or multiple markups. When one or more markups are selected, the Editing Toolbar will open at the bottom of the screen.

Exiting the Measurement Mode

Markup mode is continuous, and will stay active even after a markup has been placed. As long as the tool is active, the markup button is highlighted in blue.

To exit the measurement mode

  • Press the Escape key (ESC).

  • Click the Markup button in the toolbar again to deactivate the tool.

  • Press the Done button in the Markup Creation Toolbar.

Next Topic: Cloud Markups